The Institute of Legal Accountants of Ireland
Rinn, Oranmore, Co Galway | 083 423 7455
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- The Institute of Legal Accountants of Ireland was founded in 1986 by a group of people who recognised the need to establish and maintain standards for Legal Accounting in Ireland. You can see more details about our founders by clicking here.
- The institute's membership currently includes accountants, solicitors, book-keepers, computer operators and computer suppliers.
The Institute has close links to the Law Society of Ireland.
- The Institute holds an annual conference in September or October each year. These conferences offer a comprehensive programme of topical presentations and events relevant to those working in legal accounting and practice administration. The conference also provides a useful forum for exchange of views between members. Links to recent Conferences can be found at the bottom of any page on our website.
- The Institute operates a members only mailing list which provides updates and takes questions from members. Other members contribute with solutions and advice.
- There has emerged over the years a practice of members being able to contact other members for advice and guidance.
- The Institute is run by a Committee which is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting which is held in the Law Society usually in January. The Institute also holds a members meeting in Apr-May each year. Members meetings normally include a presentation on a current topic of interest.
- In 1990 the Institute formed an association with The Institute of Legal Cashiers and Administrators in England and Wales and this has proved beneficial to both Institutes. In 1998 our Institute also established links with the Society of Law Accountants in Scotland.
- All Institute Presentations and conferences are acceptable for CPD.
- The Institute can provide CPD at extremely competitive rates to local Bar Associations or other groups.
- To provide an independent and professional body for persons associated with accounts, book-keeping and administration in law firms.
- To promote studies, research and exchange of ideas in modern methods of accounting, book-keeping and practice management in law firms.
- To foster, protect and promote the interest and status of our members; to promote honest ethical practices and to settle disputed points of practice.
- To encourage the improvement of accounting methods in both manual and computerised systems.
- To organise by itself, or by association with approved organisations; seminars and conferences to further the knowledge and expertise of those in the Legal Accounting profession.
- To provide recognised qualifications for our members and to maintain standards by a system of examination and research work.
- To encourage young people to take up Legal Accounting as a profession.
- To provide advisory assistance to members and to solicitors on accounting methods and systems.
- To provide an independent and professional organisation for persons associated with the accounts, book-keeping and administration in solicitors' practices.
To proceed please click on one of the links below.
About the Institute
Contact Details
Committee members
Rules & Regulations
Useful Links
Members' firms | Webmaster
Copyright © ILAI 2009-